Manage Hailer notifications

How to manage notifications on different devices.

Stay informed and download Hailer t your mobile device! To get notifications on your mobile device you need to first download the app.

Mobile devices

It is always good to check that you have the latest version of Hailer on your mobile device. 

iOS - login to your Hailer account and check that you have allowed the application to send notifications from the settings > Hailer app

Android - On Android devices, check from the Hailer app settings that notifications are allowed.  

Email notifications

E-mail notifications are ON as default for all new Hailer users.  To edit the settings go to your Hailer account > click your profile icon and Edit profile - Notifications tab and check the feed post or discussion messages boxes (or both).

Push notifications on laptop

There is a rumor that tells a story of a user who managed to turn on also desktop notifications. There is another one that is about a user who could not turn them off.. 

At least with Chrome browser the should ask you to confirm the notifications similar to Android. 

Are you a wizard with Hailer desktop notifications? Pop us a message o great one.