Frequently asked questions are answered here.
Can I test the Unlimited licence for free?
Yes, you can. We give all workspace owners a possibility to test the full version of Hailer for 30 days. Read more
What integrations does Hailer have?
Currently, we have a Zapier integration and rest API. With a Zapier workflow, you can create a new Hailer activity or update an old one. Create a new event in Hailer, upload files or create a new wall post. Create a Zapier account and start creating zaps, it is easy and you can do in a few minutes and without coding skills. At the moment you can import stuff to Hailer, we are working on the integration so that it can work both ways. We will keep you updated! Read more about the Zapier integration
Can I import data from old systems to Hailer? What about export?
Yes, you can do Excel import in few minutes or export your stuff out - Check instructions
I need to sync the Hailer events to Gmail or another calendar?
It is possible, you can sync Hailer events to your Gmail or Office account with an iCal link. Read more
Can I create a custom workflow for my business?
Yes, you can create any type of workflow or process in Hailer. We have a few templates and if those are not suitable for your purposes you can easily build a custom one. Read more
I want to collect data from external persons, is this possible?
Yes, workspace admins can enable public form in any process or dataset. This will create a web form and you can insert the link to a webpage or share it where needed. The public form checkbox is in the process module settings social tab. You can easily create a survey, reporting or ticketing system. Read more
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